Saturday, February 17, 2007

Celebrating Lent

This last December my family celebrated the season of Advent in order to prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We did this through weekly devotions centered around our Advent wreath candles. It was a wonderful family time and a good learning experience for my children.

One of the sites that I gleaned good information from was Advent for Evangelicals which was written by Lindsey of Just Enjoy the Journey. I like many had hoped that Lindsey would start a similar blog for Lent. Apparently, I was not alone as she recently posted on JETJ that others had been asking for the same thing. Well, she is not creating a blog but she will be posting on JETJ about her family's observance of Lent this year. She has recently posted several links to sites with information about Lent.

For those of you who may be wondering about Lent there is an excellent article about why many Protestants don't celebrate Lent but should here. Lent is the church season before Easter designed to prepare Christians to celebrate the death of Jesus. It begins next Wednesday on Ash Wednesday. Easter is really the big celebration for Christians as the death of Jesus as a repayment of our sins is what makes us right with God and secures our eternal life with Him. Much as the Jews slaughtered lambs for their sins, Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for us.

I'm looking forward to finding ways to spend time with my family observing Lent and remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for me. I hope that you will join me as well!


Tammy Cardwell, a self publisher, has written a very thought provoking article on her website. It's about the responsibility of homeschoolers to honor copyrights. When I was teaching in the public schools teachers were held to strict standards of what they could copy or not copy from textbooks and other materials. But there is no office staff looking over the shoulders of homeschoolers. Many of the people whose materials I have reviewed and we all love to use are written by people just like us, homeschooling parents in search of just the right material to teach their child. Many publish their materials to help support their families and keep a mom at home to teach the children. So in support of these authors, I urge you to take a minute to read this article, "Theft By Any Other Name."